Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Love This Memory

I posted this in an away message, but for some reason, I love this memory. Why wasn't he more forward? If you're trying to use euphemisms on a 6 year old, you're not gonna get far:

do you ever have memories where you look back, and say "Ohhhhhhhh... that's what they meant."

for some reason, I just randomly flashed back to when I was 6 years old and over at a friend's bday party. The kind where she invited everyone in the class, and we all got goody bags, like .25 watches that dont work, a pack of now and laters, etc. Well anyway, me being the genius I was, I hop on their piano. The grand piano. We're talking like $5k easy. In 1991 dollars. At 6 I had never heard a song I liked that wasn't about spiders crawling up a fucking spout. I had no idea what I was doing. I jump on and pretend like I'm Ray Charles, and jam the fk out.

Her dad comes up and says "Where'd you learn to play like that?"

Anyone over the age of 6 sees that as a sign to get the fk off the piano, homey's pissed.

I say:


...some things never change...

And yes, I just remembered I had a blog. Feels like about 6 years since I started this. Weird.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A little perspective

Just a short story of what happened today that made me stop and think.

So I've been ultra stressed lately. Just a hard dose of reality. Was feeling a little down, while I dragged myself to my job (on a saturday) and tried to figure out my finances in my head, and what I wanted outta my job, etc. All the things that happen after the honeymoon period of a new job and a steady course of income has run its course.

Anyway as I was about at ropes end I was walking downtown Denver today, and was passing a normal intersection. I was passing this girl from the side, who looked about 27-28 and she was standing on the sidewalk facing the street, with a walk sign lit in front of her. Yet she wasn't moving an inch. I barely wondered what was going on, as I was walking too fast and thinking about too many different thinks to really soak in the situation. Well she must've heard me walking behind her, because she turned around. She had her seeing stick gripped tightly in her hands, and didn't make eye contact with me. She was completely blind. She was shaking and obviously scared.

"Exxx-- cuzze me..." she let out in a quiet, sad voice. My heart sank. She did not know if she could walk or not, and was worried she would get hit if she set foot on the street. I walked across the intersection with her, guiding her straight, and felt even worse for her when a bus honked its horn for no apparent reason, and she recoiled and looked on the virge of tears. When we got to the otherside, I pointed her the direction she wanted to go, as she told me she'd be all right. I wanted to do more, but I knew that she had no real reason to trust me, and it would be demeaning to her if I acted like she couldn't take care of herself. She was adamant she would be OK. I don't know how much I helped her in the long run, but she sure helped me think about the problems in my life and how good I actually have things. Just thinking about people like her and what she has to face everyday makes me wonder why I can't be more levelheaded about making ends meet with the blessings I've been given.

I hope she got to wherever she was going and is at home happy and completely content with the day's journey.